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The myOLARIS blog showcases reactions and perspectives
to the latest news in precision medicine, metabolomics, diagnostics, and AI.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Apr 5, 2023
Aha! Moments
Almost every discipline has its version of an “Aha!” moment. In science it is known as the “Eureka!” moment.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Sep 28, 2022
Calling All Rockstars
Olaris is growing, with open positions in science, business development and more. If you are talented, have a desire to make a real...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Jun 1, 2022
LIVING life through diagnostics: What I learned from speaking with a kidney transplant recipient
The real impact of a precision diagnostic is best measured on an individual level with direct feedback from patients themselves.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Mar 15, 2022
Metabolite Diagnostics Will Drive Treatments For PD
Descriptions of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) date back to antiquity - there are even references to PD-like symptoms in the Bible. In 1817,...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Dec 21, 2021
Angel Investing Drives Innovation
It feels like an appropriate time to talk about angels. Not those that adorn the top of a Christmas tree but rather angel investors. With...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Nov 2, 2021
Metabolomics is the next "-omics"
Like fashion, different trends in science cycle in and out of style. And right now, metabolomics is en vogue. In the last 18 months, I...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Sep 14, 2021
The Simple Science Behind the COVID-19 Vaccine
When it comes to concerns over COVID and the vaccine, it feels like we are talking past each other. This is not only unproductive but...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Apr 13, 2021
Diet & Disease
"Let Food Be Thy Medicine" ~ Hippocrates Brain cancer. There are probably few things more terrifying than a brain cancer diagnosis. Each...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Dec 3, 2020
Public-Private Biobanks Will Unlock the Power of Biospecimens
Patient biospecimens are the fuel that drive medical breakthroughs. By interrogating biospecimens (tissue, blood, urine, cerebral spinal...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Sep 22, 2020
Cutting Off H-1B Visas Hurts Biopharma
Science knows no boundaries. In my career, I’ve traveled the world because of science. My undergraduate and doctoral studies were in...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Aug 17, 2020
Sex Matters: Why We Need to Optimize Medicine for the Sexes
A few weeks ago, the New York Times published a series of 7 articles addressing 7 key issues facing women today. The collection is a must...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Jul 10, 2020
We need public health and personalized medicine to combat COVID-19—NOT one or the other
At a recent Xconomy virtual conference about biopharma’s future in digital health, I spoke on a panel about the state of the precision...

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Jun 11, 2020
Section 101 of US Patent Law Needs Reform (or we will all lose)
Section 101 prohibits the patentability of products of nature and math. This is valid. But where does this clause leave precision medicine?

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
May 22, 2020
Machine Learning in Healthcare: Humans Need Apply
To perform at its best (or perform at all), machine learning needs human ingenuity, input, and constant evaluation.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Apr 8, 2020
Metabolite Basics with Dr. Bo Zhang and Emily O’Rourke
Olaris relies on the power of metabolomics to develop patient stratification tools. Find out why.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Feb 19, 2020
Investing in "Not Your Father’s Diagnostics"
In 2020, with new innovative diagnostics, I think it is fair to say “this is not your father’s diagnostics”.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Jan 24, 2020
What changes will precision medicine bring to healthcare in the next 10 years?
Leaders in the precision medicine (PM) field answered this question. Each offers a slightly different perspective to the potential of PM.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Dec 6, 2019
What is NMR Spectroscopy?
Q&A with Dr. Gerhard Wagner, who helped define the field.

Dr. Elizabeth O'Day
Oct 30, 2019
Sapere Aude
Sapere aude is Latin for “dare to know”. The phrase originated with the ancient Roman poet Horace, was later embraced by the philosopher...
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